Τετάρτη 25 Νοεμβρίου 2015


Ifigenia, in the play had to face war, family opposition, religious legacy, oracle and self-sacrifice. Following the lines of the dramatic play, the performer is set firm in the cadre so as to reveal the transformed fictional scenery. The aim is to recover the character of the figure regardless of the dramaturgy and facts. The video is performative. It durrates 16 min so as to allow the figurine to resolve time and self-overlapping occurrence.  Narration follows the video by actor Samir, a Syrian refugeeand actor, who recites the details of the preparation of troops to conquer Troy, as imparted in the play.   This aims at questioning identity, alieneity and belonging in the howabouts of modernity.  In antiquity Greeks were not only the ones who were born instate but all who had received Greek knowledge and training. Who is Ifigenia today?  The dramaturgy in nowadays society, has voided war in the form of military attack, within “civilized” borders, but has perfectly censored  social living through repression and economic assaults.  It is a fact that laws exist to run and govern a state but no laws exist outside the borders of states, preventing war and preserving peace.

Κυριακή 3 Νοεμβρίου 2013

video 16 min

Ifigenia today..  Wears short skirts, and her favorite color is blue.  She has flowers pots on her balcony.  She doesn’t water them often but they never grow dry.  She lives in Koukaki.  She drinks black coffee. And smokes two to four cigarettes a day.  She has a weakness she pays the price added tax on bills.  She reads articles of science. And she knows all the Greek tragedies by heart without having read them.  She hasn’t travelled a lot, only once in Insbourg following a deeply conscious impulse. She will travel two more times in her life. She has two close friends. And she will be told that she is loved twice.  She will want to cry without succeeding both times, the first because she believed it and the second because she will be unable to believe it.  She will have two partners, at different periods of time in her life, and she will never marry.  She will die of heart failure.

Η Ιφιγένεια σήμερα..  Φοράει κοντές φούστες και τις αρέσει το χρώμα πράσινο. Έχει γλάστρες στο μπαλκόνι της. Δεν τις ποτίζει συχνά, αλλά αυτές δεν ξεραίνονται ποτέ. Μένει στο Κουκάκι. Πίνει καφέ σκέτο.  Και καπνίζει δύο με τέσσερα τσιγάρα την ημέρα.  Έχει μια αδυναμία. Πληρώνει το χαράτσι. Διαβάζει επιστημονικά άρθρα. Και ξέρει όλες τις τραγωδίες απ’ έξω χωρίς να τις έχει διαβάσει. Δεν έχει ταξιδέψει παρά μόνο μια φορά στο ‘Ινσμπουργκ ακολουθώντας μια έντονα συνειδητοποιημένη παρόρμηση. Στη ζωή της θα ταξιδέψει άλλες δύο φορές. Έχει δύο επιστήθιες φίλες. Και θα της πουν δύο φορές σ αγαπώ. Θα θέλει να κλάψει και τις δύο φορές, την πρώτη γιατί θα το πιστέψει και την δεύτερη γιατί δεν θα μπορέσει να το πιστέψει. Θα έχει δύο συντρόφους σε διαφορικές χρονικές στιγμές αλλά δεν θα παντρευτεί ποτέ. θα πεθάνει από καρδιακή προσβολή.